Tuesday 28 May 2019

Up stitching

I love hand stitching - it's beautiful, meditative, creative, relaxing, and feminist. Check out this smock from about 1900, beautifully worked in the suffragette colours of purple, white and green. Women have always stitched, and it wasn't always as meek and mild as perceived.

So this year's 'holiday' in North Queensland is all about upping my stitch game, and developing my own style and designs. I travelled with two suitcases - one summer clothes, one full of the chaos of my embroidery life.

It looks like this when unpacked a little, but dig a bit deeper and it's crazy in there. Lots of colours, textures, WIPs ... love it!

There are also a few pre-purchased kits. My learning plan is to buy the kit, and complete it, WITHOUT MAKING ANY CHANGES. This is so not my thing, but I find it's the best way to make me learn new stitches and approaches. And there's a few books in there somewhere too. And some floss cards to tidy that mess!

So that's the plan. Let's see how it goes ;-)

And here's a pic of my new morning walk. AFTER I got over the ups and downs of two days of being very sick, a fabulous new haircut, and re-entry into the world of fitness...


